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Terms & Conditions

General Terms and Conditions of Use

By confirming your registration, you have read and unreservedly accept our General Terms and Conditions.

The detailed general terms and conditions below govern the contractual relationship between the 'User' (hereinafter also referred to as 'You') and 'Bazariom' (hereinafter referred to as 'We'). Both parties accept these Terms without reservation. These general terms and conditions are the only applicable conditions and replace all other written or verbal conditions or agreements. These Terms and Conditions are important for You and Us as they are used to protect your rights as a User and our rights as a business.

Changes to the General Terms and Conditions of Use

Bazariom reserves the right to change or modify these General Terms and Conditions of Use at any time. Any changes or modifications will be effective immediately upon posting the updated terms on our website. Your continued use of our services following the posting of changes constitutes your acceptance of such changes. We recommend that you review the General Terms and Conditions regularly to stay informed of any updates.

Access to the Bazariom Website

We work hard to ensure that the website is always available and accessible to the public, but we cannot guarantee that the website will not experience downtime for any reason. We reserve the right to close the website for short periods for routine maintenance operations, but we guarantee that we will strive to keep this downtime to a minimum. We will not be responsible if, for any reason, all or any part of the website is unavailable at certain times.

Key Element for Opening an Account on Bazariom

The key element for opening an account on Bazariom is setting a password. We recommend that you choose a strong password that is difficult for third parties to guess, and also recommend that you log out of your account at the end of each session. There is a procedure for resetting your password in case you forget it. You must treat your login information as confidential, not disclosing it to any third party and using Bazariom personally. If you believe there has been any security breach, it is your responsibility to notify us immediately and change your password.

It is a condition that for using your account on Bazariom, all the information you provide on the website is accurate, current, and complete. We manage your personal data according to our Privacy Policies published on the Bazariom website and the relevant laws in force.

We reserve the right to deactivate any user account at any time if you have not complied with or have violated the obligations arising from these Terms and Conditions and the relevant laws in force in Albania.

Information About the Published Product

Users must exercise great care when providing information, descriptions, and images of the product they advertise online. Bazariom is not responsible for any errors or omissions in the information provided by the User.

Types of Users on the Website

Users may be individuals or companies. During the registration process, each must select the appropriate option for each category. Your advertisement may be rejected if it is not placed in the correct category. It is not permitted to include multiple items from different categories in a single advertisement. You should separate items according to the appropriate categories, such as whether the item is for sale, for rent, for purchase, or for lease, etc.

You may not add more than one product in a single advertisement. The Bazariom admin has the right to delete any excessive products from the listing. Additionally, you may not post more than one advertisement for the same product simultaneously. Advertisements with duplicate content will be removed. Posting links to other advertisements that lead to or connect with other websites is not allowed.

Uploading Photos and Videos

All photos or videos uploaded to the Bazariom website must be relevant to the product being advertised. You may not upload photos or videos containing logos, names, or content from other companies that may have copyright rights or could be interpreted as marketing for another business.

You may not upload photos or videos of products that are prohibited by Albanian legislation. All advertisements featuring illegal products will not be published or will be immediately removed upon discovery by Bazariom's admins.

Bazariom is not responsible for the nature of the advertised product. This responsibility rests solely with the User.


Data Protection

Bazariom collects and processes the personal data of its users in fulfillment of its legal rights and obligations and in full compliance with Law No. 9887, dated 10.3.2008, "On the Protection of Personal Data" (amended).


Cookies are small encoded files. They are small text data stored on your device. They are used to perform seamless and efficient functions on websites. Accepting cookie policies is not mandatory. Cookies are not viruses or other software that harm your device. They are used for marketing purposes, statistical analysis, website functionality, and service delivery. If you do not delete or restrict the use of cookies, they will be automatically deleted after a certain period.

Bazariom is responsible only for cookies set on its own website. Bazariom obtains consent from its users before activating cookies. We are not responsible for cookies set by third parties. We recommend reading the rules and privacy policies, as well as the cookies policies of third parties before accepting them.

Bazariom reserves the right to change or modify the General Terms and Conditions of Use, privacy policies, and cookie policies. These changes will take effect from the moment they are published on the Bazariom website.


Privacy Policy

Dear Visitor,

Welcome to the official website of www.bazariom.com (hereinafter referred to as Bazariom).

Through the Official Page, Bazariom collects, processes, and publishes information.

Via the Official Page, Bazariom presents its products, services, various promotions, innovations, customer services, etc. Bazariom considers the protection of privacy and personal data a matter of particular importance. Bazariom is committed to implementing the legal and sub-legal framework in their protection and compliance.


Bazariom collects and processes the personal data of its clients in fulfillment of its legal rights and obligations and in full compliance with Law No. 9887, dated 10.3.2008, "On the Protection of Personal Data" (amended).


In the context of using the official website www.bazariom.com, Bazariom may directly collect personal data through the completion of online forms and online requests, which are recorded in its systems or those of its authorized service providers. Providing this data is voluntary. Bazariom does not collect or process data that is not provided by the user. Bazariom is not responsible for the accuracy of the data provided. Bazariom uses the personal information filled out by users solely for the purpose for which it was provided. When registering an announcement, the user of the website decides whether or not to make their phone number publicly visible. Your email address is not publicly displayed in the notice unless you choose to include it in the description field of the announcement.


By using the official website and/or giving consent for registration, data subjects consent to the further processing of their data and guarantee that the personal data provided is accurate, true, and up-to-date.

All of you who access the website www.bazariom.com agree to the following terms:

  • For visitors to the site, the system collects standard information related to the use of the website, including clicks on information, articles, sections, or categories on this page. If you do not register as a user but simply visit the site, Bazariom does not collect any personal data. In any case, your privacy is protected.
  • Personal data collected through the Official Page is processed for the purpose for which it was collected, in accordance with the legal and sub-legal framework and this policy.


The purpose of data collection. 

When you use the Bazariom site to create your user profile for making an announcement, the required information to be completed during registration includes: Name, contact number, email address, and the location of the product being advertised. The user is solely responsible for the information voluntarily provided by them. Additionally, registration of an account on the Bazariom site can be done using your Gmail or Facebook account. The user registering on the Bazariom site must be over 18 years old. If any profile/profiles opened by minors under 18 years old are detected, those accounts will be closed.

This information is collected for:

  • publishing the announcement so that you can be contacted by interested buyers for the product or service you are selling or offering;
  • communication purposes;
  • statistical and analytical purposes for the creation of new products;
  • digital marketing purposes, only if you have given your consent for this. 


If you do not give consent, you will not receive marketing notifications but will receive notifications related to the publication or deletion of the advertisement.


Bazariom guarantees that it has taken all physical, technical, and operational measures to maintain the confidentiality of the data and protect it from loss, destruction, damage, or unauthorized disclosure, in accordance with the requirements of Law No. 9887, dated 10.3.2008, "On the protection of personal data" (amended). These actions will be carried out in accordance with the principle of respecting and guaranteeing fundamental human rights and freedoms, particularly the right to privacy. However, Bazariom cannot guarantee that these security measures will prevent third parties from illegally collecting personal data.


Data subjects have the right to withdraw their consent at any time for the collection and use of their voluntarily provided data, and to request the deletion of this data.

Data subjects have the right to modify or correct this data in accordance with the requirements of Articles 13 and 18 of Law No. 9887, dated 10.3.2008, "On the protection of personal data." You can make these changes simply by accessing your profile using your password and username on the Bazariom site. Passwords will be encrypted, and we advise you not to share them with others. For any uncertainties or difficulties encountered, you can contact Bazariom's support service directly.


Bazariom does not share your personal information with third parties, but the Bazariom website may contain links to other websites or redirect you to another website. In such cases, Bazariom is not responsible for the content of these websites and advises you to read the respective privacy statements/policies of these websites before accepting them.

Bazariom is not responsible for and does not have access to the communication between the seller and the buyer. The data you have registered will only be used for that purpose and will not be used for other purposes for which the user has not given their consent.

Bazariom reserves the right to change or modify this policy at any time, in accordance with possible changes in legislation in the field of personal data protection and privacy.